Saturday, February 7, 2009

Go for it..!

Yesterday night, Wel was performing with Tony for the "Konsert Unplugged - Bebaskan Palestin" at RTM Angkasapuri. Maybe some of you don't know.. that the show was actually on air.. live at TV2, at 9 pm. Well, I wanted to go to the RTM Studio (ada free ticket bah..) to show support laa kunun... but no choice, terpaksalah watching it from home with my family...

You know what.. Wel and I, we were always talking & dreaming about playing music for TV show, Talk show, Live performance.. to be on national TV... wow, it would be an invaluable experience... priceless..!! I'm glad now that his dream came true. I'm proud for him. I thank God that He has open doors for him to be in the industry. Wel had taken the first step. Now God had led him to the 2nd step. I believe God has plan... it will not end here... after this, my turn pula... hahaha... promo diri sendiri.. aduhai..

When I watched Wel on the TV, I just can't believe my eyes... it's like... Oh my goodness..!! Wel masuk TV..!!! Fuyoh...!!

So, my advice, when you get the opportunity, just go for it. Live life to the fullest..

Ok la... I'm done with him. Now I want to go practice... heh..

1 comment:

Kholyn De Great said...

bunyi mcm jeles ja. hehe..